Allendale Squaw Peak Travel
Company Name: Allendale Squaw Peak Travel
Status: Active
State: Massachusetts
Post: 01201-1827
County: Berkshire
City: Pittsfield
Address: 61 Cheshire Road
Phone: (413)499-1780
Fax: (413)448-6047
Email: unknown
Contact Owner: Kathie Clairmont
Web site: unknown
SIC code: 4729 Industry group: Transportation Services, Business category: Arrangement Of Passenger Transportation, Not Elsewhere Classified
Employees: 5
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): 1318050
Overall: Allendale Squaw Peak Travel is a business categorized under arrangement of passenger transportation, not elsewhere classified, which is part of the larger category transportation services. Allendale Squaw Peak Travel is located at the address 61 Cheshire Road in Pittsfield, Massachusetts 01201-1827. The Owner is Kathie Clairmont who can be contacted at (413)499-1780.
Description: Passenger Transportation Arrangement
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